Before you join a gym you MUST read this
If you are looking for a gym, health club, sports facility, fitness center, or spa to join, then reading this fitness expose, written by a fitness industry veteran revealing all, is an absolute must. You aren't going to find some magical pass on the Internet that just lets you walk in anywhere for free. However, with the right information, you can make your Golden Ticket to any health club or fitness center.
Don't even think about joining a fitness club or using your current membership even one more time without getting this crucial advice right now.
Maybe you already know exactly where you want to work out. Maybe you have already been there for years. Maybe you have already tried to save some money through your family plan, a friend referral, or through your company, I'm here to tell you, YOU'VE ALREADY BEEN HAD!
I remember sitting in the sales office waiting for the next person to come in the front door with one of our coupons offering them a "free one week pass" to the club and all the sales reps were salivating at the thought of converting that fresh meat holding a free pass into an immediate cash-generating sale. We were trained to think of that prospect as walking cash cattle, and not really a human being!
"Free Passes" aren't really free. There's always a catch... Unless you know how to evade it. Be ready to offer a counter-suggestion or an excuse as to why you'll need more time before you commit. Alternative: Don't use the free pass, just take the "required" tour, but dive right into leading the conversation with the sales rep into giving you what you want and catch them off guard.
We all just hoped that it wasn't someone coming into cancel their membership who we would have to deal with and try to convince them not to quit with a systematic procedure focused on "member retention", rather than real customer service. It was all about acquisition and retention, but mostly acquisition.
There is something called the "Crucial Conversation". The Crucial Conversation is the conversation you have with the most crucial person in the game, which is the decision maker that will get you your final deal. This person is likely to be a sales person or a manager that actually writes deals on paper for you. It’s the most crucial point in this process, because all of your efforts can be leveraged or destroyed based on your relationship and influence with them. If you say the right thing, then you will get an incredible deal. If not, you will lose hundreds of dollars, and thousands over time.
The entire industry is based on the concept of you signing up (in the old days it was a lifetime membership, later yearly memberships, and now it is mostly endless automatic withdrawal at $35 or more per month), and then NOT USING THE MEMBERSHIP! This is the number one way they make money on you. You won't use the membership! Statistics prove it every day. How else do you think they have a profit margin? You aren't there jacking up the hot water bill in the showers, or breaking the treadmill, so they don't have to hire plumbers, janitors, or mechanics.
Statistics show that most people are joining in January due to their New Years' Resolution and then they stop using it by February 15th. Yet, they don't quit paying! They keep spending their hard-earned dollars but they don't use it. On top of that, they overpaid to begin with, including $250 "joining" fees and $25 "processing" fees. Does anyone really know what a processing is for? What are they processing? How about key card fees or equipment rental fees for certain studios?
How Much Can You Save?
The Short Answer:
$60 to $1,100 per year and beyond, not counting huge savings on other services.
For many people, it will be between 10% and 40% off the median cost of memberships ($775 annually), which equates to $78 to $310 every year.
I want to get an unbelievable deal on my gym membership Now!